Easy way to take screenshots on Windows

Taking screenshots or capturing the display on the screen is very easy to do on Windows. Windows has been equipped with various features to capture the screen.

What can you do to make screenshots???

Make a screenshot with the “prt scr” button

Print Screen is one way to capture the entire screen display from Windows. How to use it is quite easy, you just press the keyboard button ” prt scr ” and then you paste or with “ Ctrl + V ” on the application you want. You can use paint, Word, Excel and so on.

Make a screenshot of the window that appears

If with “ prt scr ”, you will get the whole screen view. What if you only want to make a screenshot of the application window that appears?

The method is also quite easy. Click the application window to be recorded, then press the keyboard key ” alt + prt scr “. Then just press “Ctrl + V” on the application you are using.

Making Screenshots with Snipping Tools

To make a screenshot of a certain area of the screen, you can use the “ Snipping Tools ”. Meanwhile, to call the snipping tools you can use the keyboard key ” Windows logo + Shift + S “.

Snipping tools have quite complete capabilities,

Rectangular snipDrag the cursor around the object to form a rectangle.
Free-form snipDraw a free shape around the object.
Window snapSelect the window, such as a dialog box, that you want to capture.
Full-screen snipCapture the entire screen.

How to use Snipping Tools

  1. Press the “ Windows logo+Shift+S ” key.
  2. Then select an option to record.
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  1. Select the area to be recorded (drag the mouse over a specific area, if selecting the “rectangular” or “free form” option).
  2. A thumbnail of the screenshot will appear in the lower right corner of the screen.
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  1. Then you just paste it or with ” Ctrl + V ” on the application you want. You can use paint, Word, Excel and so on.

Thank you for visiting Bardimin.

Hopefully useful..

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