Real-Time Application Dashboard with Yii2, Node.js, MySQL and Chart.js

In this article we will create a dashboard that can display graphics from data in real-time. The data we use as simulations is the...

How to Use VoidCallback and Function(x) Callbacks to Communicate Between Widgets in Flutter

In Flutter, communication between widgets can use VoidCallback and Function Callback. VoidCallbacks are callbacks that don't return a value to the Parent Widget. This is...

How to Change Minsdkversion in Flutter

When working with Flutter and using external packages, you often have to change Minsdkversion according to the package you are using. There are several ways...

Easy Ways to Install Flutter on Android Studio and Windows

Flutter is an open-source framework developed by Google for building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single codebase. As a mobile app SDK, Flutter...

How to Enable HTTP/2 in Apache XAMPP

The HTTP/2 protocol is faster than HTTP/1.1 because it can handle resource queues and handle them simultaneously. HTTP/2 uses a single TCP connection to send...

How to disable Directory Listing using .htaccess

Directory Listing allows your website visitors to get a complete list of all the files and folders that live on your site. The browser...

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