A network drive folder is a feature that allows you to access folders or files stored on other computers or servers on your network. With a network drive folder, you don’t have to type a network address every time you want to access the folder or file. You can simply click on the drive you already have in File Explorer, and you can view and edit the contents of that folder or file.
Map network drives are especially useful if you often work with folders or files that are on your network, such as work documents, photos, videos, or music. You can also map your network drive to cloud storage such as OneDrive, Google Drive, or Dropbox, so you can access your files from anywhere.
Windows 11 features a map network drive that is easy and fast to use. You can map the network drive with a few simple steps, either through File Explorer or Command Prompt. Here are the ways to map network drives in Windows 11:
How to Map Network Drive Through File Explorer
The first way to map a network drive in Windows 11 is through File Explorer. This is the most common and easy way to do it. Here are the steps:
- Open File Explorer by pressing the Windows + E key on your keyboard, or by clicking the File Explorer icon on the taskbar.
- On the left side of File Explorer, right-click on This PC ( or PC or Komputer depending on your settings), then select Map network drive.
- In the window that appears, select the drive letter that you want to use for the network drive folder. You can choose any letter that isn’t already used by other drives on your computer.
- In the Folder field, type or paste the network address of the folder or file that you want to folder. The network address is usually \computer-name\folder-name or \ip-address\folder-name. You can also click the Browse button to search for the folder or file you want to folder on your network.
- If you want the drive that you already folder to always be available every time you turn on your computer, check the Reconnect at sign-in box. If you don’t want the drive permanently available, leave the box unchecked.
- If the folder or file you want to folder requires credentials (username and password) to access it, check the Connect using different credentials box. Otherwise, leave the box unchecked.
- Click the Finish button to complete the map network drive process.
- If you have checked the Connect using different credentials box, you will be prompted to enter a username and password to access the folder or files you want to folder. Enter the appropriate credentials, then click the OK button.
- Now, you can see the drives you’ve already mapped in the left part of File Explorer, under This PC. You can click on the drive to view and edit the contents of folders or files that you have folder.
Here’s an example of what a folder of drives looks like in File Explorer:
How to Map Network Drive Through Command Prompt
The second way to map a network drive in Windows 11 is through Command Prompt. This is a faster and more flexible way to map network drives, especially if you want to map many drives at once. Here are the steps:
- Open Command Prompt by pressing the Windows + R key on your keyboard, then type cmd and press Enter. You can also open Command Prompt by typing cmd in the Start or Search menu and clicking the result.
- In the Command Prompt window, type the following command for the network drive folder:
net use x: \\computer-name\folder-name
Where x: is the drive letter you want to use, and \computer-name\folder-name is the network address of the folder or file you want to folder. You can change the drive letter and network address to your liking.
- If the folder or file you want to folder requires credentials to access it, add the /user:username password option at the end of the command, where username and password are the appropriate credentials. Example:
net use x: \\computer-name\folder-name /user:admin 123456
- If you want the drive you already folder to always be available every time you turn on your computer, add the /persistent:yes option at the end of the command. If you don’t want the drive to be permanently available, add the /persistent:no option or leave it unwritten. Example:
net use x: \\computer-name\folder-name /persistent:yes
- Press Enter to run the command. If the command is successful, you’ll see the message The command completed successfully. If the command fails, you’ll see an error message explaining the cause.
- Now, you can see the drives you’ve already mapped in File Explorer, under This PC. You can click on the drive to view and edit the contents of folders or files that you have folder.
How to Unmap Network Drive in Windows 11
If you want to delete a drive that you already mapped, you can unmap the network drive easily. There are two ways to unmap a network drive in Windows 11, namely through File Explorer and Command Prompt. Here are the ways to unmap a network drive in Windows 11:
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How to Unmap Network Drive Through File Explorer
The first way to unmap a network drive in Windows 11 is through File Explorer. Here are the steps:
- Open File Explorer by pressing the Windows + E key on your keyboard, or by clicking the File Explorer icon on the taskbar.
- On the left side of File Explorer, right-click on the drive you want to unmap, then select Disconnect.
- You’ll be asked to confirm if you’re sure you want to erase the drive. Click the Yes button to continue, or click the No button to cancel.
- Now, the drive you have unmapped will disappear from File Explorer.
How to Unmap Network Drive via Command Prompt
The second way to unmap a network drive in Windows 11 is through the Command Prompt. Here are the steps:
- Open Command Prompt by pressing the Windows + R key on your keyboard, then type cmd and press Enter. You can also open Command Prompt by typing cmd in the Start or Search menu and clicking the result.
- In the Command Prompt window, type the following command to unmap the network drive:
net use x: /delete
Where x: is the drive letter you want to unmap. You can change the drive letter according to the drive you want to erase.
- Press Enter to run the command. If the command is successful, you’ll see the message The command completed successfully. If the command fails, you’ll see an error message explaining the cause.
- Now, the drive you have unmapped will disappear from File Explorer.
That’s how easy and fast to map network drives in Windows 11. With a network drive folder, you can access folders or files on your network more practically and efficiently. Hope this article will be useful for you.