Kali Linux (formerly BackTrack Linux) is a Debian-based open-source Linux for penetration testing and advanced security audits. The Kali Linux system contains hundreds of tools for various information security tasks, such as Penetration Testing, Security Research, Computer Forensics, and Reverse Engineering. Kali Linux is a multi-platform solution available for free to information security professionals and hobbyists.
How to Install Kali Linux on Windows 10
1. Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux
To apply this feature you can do through the menu “Turn windows feature on or off”. Make sure the option is checked and then select the OK button and restart your PC.
2. Install Kali Linux with PowerShell
- Open PowerShell and run as administrator
Type command:
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
Then restart your PC.
- Open PowerShell and run as administrator
Type command:
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
Once the process is complete, restart your PC.
- Download and install the WSL2 Linux Kernel from: https://aka.ms/wsl2kernel
Install and follow the process until it is complete.
- Open PowerShell and run as administrator
Change default WSL with command:
wsl --set-default-version 2
- Install Kali Linux from the Microsoft Store
Select the Get button to start installation.
- Open Kali Linux
To open Kali Linux you can do through “windows search” by typing “kali linux”.
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3. Install Win-KeX
- After you open Kali Linux, then type the following command to start the win-kex installation.
sudo apt update sudo apt install -y kali-win-kex
- Once the installation process is complete, open Win-Kex with command
kex --win
- The installation process has been completed. For the record, the installation of linux times that we did above is the minimum installation of linux times. To get more tools or features than linux times we have to update the linux times. Before updating, you should turn off antivirus first, because there are several tools from linux times that are considered viruses by antivirus. To update type a command as dredged
sudo apt install -y kali-linux-large
If you experience difficulties in the installation process of Kali Linux above, please stay the message in the comments field. We will help you with the installation process. May be useful.