13. Use Styles to Apply Consistent Formatting
If you want to apply a consistent format to your document, you can use Styles. Styles is a collection of predefined formats, such as font, size, color, spacing, and so on, which you can apply to text with one click. You can find Styles on the ribbon, under the Home tab. You can choose from a variety of available styles, or create your own by clicking the New Style icon. You can also modify or delete an existing style by right-clicking on the style and selecting the appropriate option.
14. Use Table of Contents to create an automatic table of contents
If you want to create an automatic table of contents for your document, you can use the Table of Contents feature. To do this, make sure you’ve applied Heading styles to headings and subheadings in your document. Then, click where you want to insert the table of contents, and then click References, Table of Contents. You can choose from a variety of available formats, or create your own by clicking Custom Table of Contents. Word creates a table of contents based on the Heading style you use, and inserts page numbers and hyperlinks. You can update the table of contents at any time by right-clicking on the table of contents and selecting Update Field.
15. Use Track Changes to record and review changes
If you want to record and review changes you or others make in your document, you can use the Track Changes feature. To turn it on, click Review, and then click Track Changes. Word highlights all changes made in your document, and displays comments on the right side. You can review changes by using the Next and Previous buttons, and accept or reject changes by using the Accept and Reject buttons. You can also add, edit, or delete comments by using the New Comment, Delete, and Resolve buttons. You can change the view of changes by using the Display for Review menu, and hide or show changes by using the Show Markup button.
16. Use Mail Merge to create personalized documents
If you want to create a personalized document for a group of people, such as a letter, label, or envelope, you can use the Mail Merge feature. To do so, you need to have a main document, which contains the same text and formatting for all documents, and a data source, which contains different information for each document, such as name, address, or date. You can create your own data sources, or use existing data sources, such as Excel, Outlook, or Access files. Then, you can merge the main document and the data source by following these steps:
- Open your main document, then click Mailings, Start Mail Merge, and select the type of document you want, such as Letters, Labels, or Envelopes.
- Click Select Recipients, and select your data source, such as Use an Existing List, Select from Outlook Contacts, or Type a New List.
- Click Edit Recipient List, and select or remove the recipients you want, and click OK.
- Click Insert Merge Field, and insert the fields you want, such as First Name, Last Name, or Address. These fields will be replaced with information from your data source when you complete the merge.
- Click Preview Results, and see how your document will look. You can navigate between different documents by using the Next Record and Previous Record buttons.
- Click Finish & Merge, and choose what you want to do with your document, such as Print Documents, Edit Individual Documents, or Send Email Messages.
17. Use WordArt to Create Engaging Text
If you want to create interesting text, such as text with shadow, 3D, or curved effects, you can use WordArt. To do this, click Insert, WordArt, and select the style that you want. Then, type your text in your document, and adjust its size, color, and position. You can also change the style of your WordArt by clicking Format, and using options on the ribbon, such as Text Effects, Text Fill, Text Outline, and more.
18. Use Shapes to create geometric shapes
If you want to create geometric shapes, such as circles, squares, stars, or arrows, you can use Shapes. To do this, click Insert, Shapes, and select the shape that you want. Then, click and drag in your document to create your shape, and adjust its size and position. You can also change your shape by clicking Format, and using options on the ribbon, such as Shape Styles, Shape Fill, Shape Outline, and more.
19. Use Charts to graph data
If you want to create data graphs, such as bar, pie, line, or area graphs, you can use Charts. To do this, click Insert, Charts, and select the type of chart that you want. Then, Word will open an Excel window, where you can enter your data, or copy and paste data from another source. Word will create your graphic based on your data, and display it in your document. You can also change your chart by clicking Design, Layout, and Format, and using options on the ribbon, such as Chart Styles, Chart Layouts, Chart Elements, and more.
20. Use SmartArt to create visual diagrams
If you want to create visual diagrams, such as flow, hierarchy, cycle, or process charts, you can use SmartArt. To do this, click Insert, SmartArt, and select the category and type of chart you want. Then, Word will create your diagram, and display a text pane, where you can enter your text for each element of the diagram. You can also modify your chart by clicking Design and Format, and using options on the ribbon, such as SmartArt Styles, Change Colors, Add Shape, and more.
21. Use Equation to create mathematical equations
If you want to create mathematical equations, such as algebraic, trigonometric equations, or calculus, you can use Equation.To do so, click Insert, Equation, and select the equation you’ve already created, or click Insert New Equation to create your own. Then, Word will display the Equation Tools tab, where you can use options in the ribbon, such as Symbols, Structures, Fraction, Radical, and more, to insert mathematical symbols and structures as you need. You can also edit your equation by right-clicking on the equation and selecting the appropriate option, such as Professional, Linear, Change to Display, and more.
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22. Use Translate to translate text into other languages
If you want to translate text into another language, you can use the Translate feature. To do this, select the text that you want to translate, and then click Review, Translate, Translate Selection. A panel will appear on the right side of your document, displaying a translation of your text into your selected language. You can change the source and target languages by using the dropdown menus, or clicking Insert to add the translation to your document. You can also translate the entire document by clicking Translate Document, or access more options by clicking Translate Options.
23. Use Read Aloud to listen to the text read aloud
If you want to listen to the text read aloud, you can use the Read Aloud feature. To activate it, click Review, Read Aloud, or press Ctrl + Alt +Space. Word will start reading text from the position of your cursor, or from the text you choose. You can control reading by using buttons on the ribbon, such as Play, Pause, Next, Previous, and Settings. You can also change the sound and reading speed by clicking Settings, and selecting the option you want.
24. Use Dictate to write text with your voice
If you want to write text with your voice, you can use the Dictate feature. To enable it, click Home, Dictate, or press Alt+’. Word will start listening to your voice, and write the text you speak. You can stop writing by clicking Dictate again, or saying“stop dictation“. You can also add punctuation, symbols, or formatting by saying their name, such as “comma“, “question mark“, “bold“, or “new line “. You can also change the writing language by clicking Language, and selecting the language you want.
25. Use Resume Assistant to create an attractive resume
If you want to create an attractive resume, you can use the Resume Assistant feature. To activate it, open your resume, then click Review, Resume Assistant. A panel will appear on the right side of your document, displaying several options to help you create your resume.
You can enter your role and industry, and see sample resumes of people working in the same field. You can also see the top skills for your role, and add them to your resume. In addition, you can view job openings that match your role, and apply for them easily.
So, those were the 25 Microsoft Word tricks you must know in 2023. By using these tricks, you can increase your productivity, creativity, and efficiency in using Word. You can also create more professional, engaging, and informative documents with Word. Hope you find this article useful, and good luck!