A password is the key to accessing your online accounts, be it email, social media, banking, or anything else. A strong and secure password will protect your account from hacker attacks, identity theft, or data misuse.
However, strong passwords should also be easy to remember, so you don’t have to rely on notes or apps to store them. Then, how to create a strong and memorable password?
Here are some tips you can apply.
1. Use Memorable Phrases or Sentences
One way to create a strong and memorable password is to use phrases or sentences that are memorable to you. For example, you can use your favorite quote, the lyrics of a song you like, or an unforgettable experience. This phrase or sentence must have a minimum of eight characters and contain uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Examples:
- “Hidup adalah pilihan, bukan kebetulan”-> H1dup4d4lahp!l!h4n,buk4nkeb3tul4n
- “I’m a survivor, I’m not gon’ give up” -> I’m4surv!v0r,Imn0tgon’g!v3up
- “Lulus kuliah tahun 2023 dengan IPK 3,5” -> Luluzkul!4h2023d3ng4n!PK3,5
This phrase or sentence will be easy for you to remember because it has meaning or value to you. However, it will be difficult for other people or machines to guess, because you have converted some letters into numbers or symbols, and used punctuation.
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2. Use Acronyms or Abbreviations
Another way to create strong and memorable passwords is to use acronyms or abbreviations. You can create acronyms or abbreviations from phrases or sentences of your choosing, or from names that are important to you. For example, you can use the initials of your name, surname, or the name of your pet. Examples:
- “Saya suka makan nasi goreng” -> SSMNG
- “Rina, Rudi, Rara, dan Roro” -> R4
- “Kucing, anjing, burung, dan ikan” -> KABI
Once you’ve created an acronym or abbreviation, you can add numbers or symbols to make it stronger. For example, you can add your date of birth, your phone number, or a symbol you like. Examples:
- SSMNG_12/08/1999
- R4*08123456789
- KABI love
This acronym or abbreviation will be easy for you to remember because it comes from words that are familiar to you. However, it will be difficult for other people or machines to guess, because you have added unrelated numbers or symbols.
3. Use the Technique of Replacing Letters
The technique of changing letters is one way to create a strong and easy-to-remember password. You can replace letters with numbers, symbols, or other letters that are similar in shape. For example, you can replace the letter A with 4, the letter E with 3, the letter I with 1, the letter O with 0, the letter S with 5, or the letter T with 7. Examples:
- “password” -> p455w0rd
- “komputer” -> k0mpu73r
- “indonesia” -> 1nd0n3514
You can also replace the letters with other letters that have different sounds or spellings. For example, you can replace the letter C with K, the letter F with PH, the letter G with J, the letter K with Q, the letter U with OO, or the letter Z with S. For example:
- “cinta” -> k1nt4
- “fisika” -> ph151k4
- “gajah” -> j4j4h
This technique of changing letters will make your password stronger because it does not match the correct spelling or pronunciation. However, you can still keep that in mind, because you know the replacement rules you use.
4. Use the Letter Flipping Technique
The letter-flipping technique is a way to create a strong and easy-to-remember password by reversing the order of letters in a word or phrase. For example, you could flip the word “buku” to “ukub”, or the phrase “aku sayang kamu” to “umak gnayas uka”. Examples:
- “motor”-> rotom
- “suka makan” -> nakam akus
- “anak ayam” -> maya kana
You can also flip the letters in each word, without reversing the word order. For example, you could flip the word ”aku sayang kamu” to ”uka gnyas umak”, or the word “satu dua tiga ” to ”utas aud agit”. Examples:
- “bola lampu”-> alob upmal
- “kopi susu” -> ipok usus
- “nasi goreng” -> isan gnerog
This lettering technique will make your password stronger because it does not match the normal sequence of letters. However, you can still remember it, because you know the word or phrase it came from.
5. Use the Technique of Inserting Letters
The technique of inserting letters is a way to create a strong and easy-to-remember password by inserting additional letters between letters in a word or phrase. These additional letters can be random, the same letters, or consecutive letters in the alphabet. For example, you can insert the letter X between the letters in the word “kuda”, becoming “kXuXdXa”. Examples:
- “rumah”-> rXuXmXaXh
- “sapi” -> sXaXpXi
- “kursi” -> kXuXrXsXi
You can also insert the same letter as the first or last letter in a word or phrase. For example, you could insert the letter A between the letters in the word “anak”, becoming “aAnAaK”. Examples:
- “buku”-> bBuUbK
- “cuci” -> cCuUcI
- “dada” -> dDaAdA
You can also insert consecutive letters in the alphabet between the letters in a word or phrase. For example, you could insert the letter B between the letters A and C in the word “acara”, becoming “aBcBaRbA”. Examples:
- “efek”-> eFfEgK
- “gigi” -> gHhIiJ
- “koki” -> kLlOoM
This technique of inserting letters will make your password stronger because it adds unexpected characters. However, you can still keep that in mind, because you know the insertion rules you used.
6. Use the Letter Shuffle Technique
The technique of scrambling letters is a way to create a strong and easy-to-remember password by scrambling the sequence of letters in a word or phrase. You can shuffle letters randomly, or use specific patterns. For example, you could shuffle the letters in the word “kuda” into ”daku”, or use the ABBA pattern, to become “aukd”. Examples:
- “rumah”-> hamur
- “sapi” -> pais
- “kursi” -> rikus
This scrambling technique will make your password stronger, as it changes the normal order of letters. However, you can still remember it, because you know the word or phrase it came from.
7. Use Word Combining Techniques
The technique of combining words is a way to create a strong and easy-to-remember password by combining two or more words into one new word. You can combine related words or those that are not related at all. For example, you could combine the words “kucing” and “anjing” into “kucjing”, or the words “apel” and ”jeruk” into ”apejer”. Examples:
- “buku” and “meja”-> bukmej
- “mata” and “hari”-> mahari
- “nasi” and “ayam”-> nayam
You can also combine words by cutting out some words and connecting them with others. For example, you could combine the words “kuda” and “zebra” into “kudra”, or the words “gitar” and “biola” into “gitla”. Examples:
- “motor” and “sepeda”-> motda
- “kopi” and “susu”-> kousu
- “laptop” and “tablet” -> lablet
This technique of combining words will make your password stronger because it creates a new word that is not in the dictionary. However, you can still remember it, because you know the words you put together.
A strong and memorable password has a minimum of eight characters and contains uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. You can create a strong and memorable password using several techniques, such as:
- Use memorable phrases or sentences
- Use acronyms or abbreviations
- Using the technique of replacing letters
- Using the technique of flipping letters
- Use the technique of inserting letters
- Using the technique of scrambling letters
- Using word-combining techniques
A strong and easy-to-remember password protects your account from hackers, identity theft, or data misuse. However, you should also keep your password confidential, and not use the same password for different accounts.
In addition, you can also use a password manager application to help you save and fill in passwords automatically. Hope you find this article useful. Thanks for reading.