Windows Registry is an important database in Windows operating systems that stores settings for systems, hardware, and applications. The registry serves as a configuration center that allows Windows to operate properly.
The main functions of the Registry include storing system and application settings, managing hardware and drivers, and managing security and user preferences. Understanding the Registry is essential for advanced users as it can help in troubleshooting, customizing the system, and improving performance.
However, changing the Registry without sufficient knowledge can make the system unstable. Therefore, it is important to have a good understanding of the Registry before making changes.
What is Windows Registry?
The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database that stores the settings and configurations of the operating system, hardware, and installed applications. The registry helps Windows recognize devices, set user preferences, and perform various system functions properly.
Basic Terms in the Windows Registry
- Hives – The main set of files that store Registry data, such as SAM, SOFTWARE, SYSTEM, SECURITY, dan DEFAULT.
- Keys – A folder structure in the Registry that contains certain settings, similar to directories in a file system.
- Values – Data stored in keys, contains specific information in various formats such as REG_DWORD, REG_SZ, dan REG_BINARY.
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Windows Registry Structure: Understanding Registry Hives
Hives is an important part of Windows Registry that stores configuration data for systems and applications. The name “hive” comes from Windows NT developers who love bees, so they use the term. Hives serve as a place to store keys and values needed by the operating system.
Hives are stored in the main location in the %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\Config folder. Here, the main Registry files can be found, which contain the essential configurations for the operating system and installed applications.
Types of Registry Hives and Their Functions
Here are the types of Registry hives and their functions:
1. SAM (Security Accounts Manager)
It stores information about user accounts and groups, including usernames, unique identifiers for domains, and passwords, in hashed form. These hives are usually invisible unless the user has administrative permissions.
This hive contains security settings and policies when users connect to the domain. Like SAM, it cannot be accessed without administrative permission.
Stores information about the apps installed on the system, including settings and configurations for each app. The keys are organized by vendor name.
Contains keys related to system configuration, hardware settings, and details about the installed device. It includes important information for startup and hardware setup.
Stores the default system configuration information that is used when a new user is created or when the system is first installed.
This hive is not stored as a permanent file, it is created every time the computer is turned on and deleted during shutdown. It contains information about the hardware detected during the active session.
Registry Keys and Values: Data Structure in the Windows Registry
Registry Key is an entry in the Windows Registry that serves as a container for grouping related values. Each key can have a subkey and contain one or more values. Meanwhile, Values are the data stored in the key, providing specific information about the settings or configuration. In other words, a key is a structure that organizes data, while values are the contents of that structure.
Types of Key Registry
Here are the main types of Key Registry and their functions:
Stores information about file associations and application settings, including data about file types and associated programs.
Contains settings specific to the active user, including the location of the user’s shell folders (such as Documents and Images), as well as the control panel settings and application configuration.
Stores system and application settings that apply to all users on the computer, including keys for Windows, drivers, and installed applications.
Contains a configuration for each user account in the system, where each user has a subkey that stores their preferences and settings.
Stores information collected when the computer is turned on and is only relevant for the currently active session. This data will be deleted when the computer is turned off.
Stores system performance data provided by the Windows kernel, drivers, installed applications, and services. This data is temporary and disappears when the computer is turned off.