How to Remove Specific Characters in a String Using the Windows Command Line

Have you ever encountered a situation where you need to remove certain characters in a string using the Windows command line? For example, suppose you have a file named test.txt that contains the following text:

[Hello] World

[Goodbye] Earth

[Welcome] Home

You want to remove the [ and ] characters from each line so that the file looks like this:

Hello World

Goodbye Earth

Welcome Home

How to do it easily and quickly? There are several ways you can use it, depending on your needs and preferences. In this article, Bardimin will explain the most straightforward and effective way to remove certain characters in a string using the Windows command line.

Use PowerShell

The easiest way you can use to remove certain characters in a string using the Windows command line is to use PowerShell. PowerShell is a scripting and configuration management environment based on the.NET Framework. PowerShell allows you to perform a variety of administration and automation tasks easily and flexibly.

To use PowerShell, you need to type the following syntax in the command prompt:

powershell -Command “(Get-Content <file_name>) -replace '<old_string>', '<new_string>' | Set-Content <new_file_name>“


  • file_name is the name of the file that contains the string that you want to change.
  • old_string is the string you want to replace.
  • new_string is the string you want to use instead. If you want to remove characters, you can use an empty string (““).
  • new_file_name is the name of the new file that will contain the changed string.


If you want to remove [ and ] characters from the test.txt file, you can type the following command:

powershell -Command “(Get-Content test.txt) -replace '\[', '' -replace '\]', '' | Set-Content new_test.txt”

The command will do the following:

  • Read each line in the test.txt file and store it in a PowerShell object.
  • Replaces all [ characters with empty strings, removing them from the PowerShell object. Note that you need to add the \ sign before the [ character because it has a special meaning in regular expressions.
  • Replaces all characters] with empty strings, thus removing them from the PowerShell object. Note that you need to add the \ sign before the character] because the character has a special meaning in regular expressions.
  • Write the PowerShell object to a new file named new_test.txt.

After running the command, you can open the file new_test.txt and see the results:

Hello World

Goodbye Earth

Welcome Home

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