Task Manager is an irreplaceable time and task management tool, helping us organize and monitor work efficiently. Usually, we know Task Manager as an application on a computer that monitors the process and use of system resources.
Creating Task Manager offers unique advantages that are not always available in commercial applications. Personalization is one of the main advantages. You can customize the appearance, features, and structure according to your needs, creating a tool that suits your working methods and personal preferences. This provides greater flexibility and increases engagement in use.
While commercial Task Manager apps often offer advanced features and integrations with other tools, they may not always fit your individual needs or can be too complicated to use. By creating your Task Manager, you get full control without unnecessary subscription fees or complexity, while ensuring that the tools you use fully meet your needs and work style.
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Tools and Materials Required
To start making Task Manager using Notepad, you only need a few basic tools and materials. Notepad is a simple text editor that is already present in almost all Windows operating systems, making it a very accessible tool.
Notepad is not just a plain text editor. With Notepad, we can take advantage of various functions in Windows, such as VBScript (.vbs) and JScript (.js). Scripts written in this format will be executed by the wscript.exe application on Windows. If you have some knowledge of programming using JavaScript or VBScript for Windows, you can take advantage of the various Windows functions that have been mentioned.
For example, wscript.exe was once used by the Harry Potter virus that created shortcuts for all folders on the system. This shows how wscript.exe can be used for various purposes, both positive and negative.
Returning to the main topic, Windows also supports the HTA extension (HTML Applications), which is an HTML-based application that can use JScript or VBScript. With HTA, you can create powerful applications without the need to compile code into executable files. Simply write the application code in the Notepad and save it with the .hta extension, you can run the application by simply double-clicking on the .hta file. It is a simple yet very useful solution for web-based app creation.
Creating a Task Manager in Notepad
The first step in creating Task Manager using Notepad is to create a base file. Start by opening Notepad on your computer. Once the Notepad opens, click File and then select New to create a new document. After that, copy-paste the following code:
<html><head><title>DIY Task Manager</title>
SYSMENU="yes" VERSION="0.3" WINDOWSTATE="normal" WIDTH="3%">
<script language=vbscript>
sub LIST()
dim objService,Process,colProcess,datax
dim return,isi
set objService = getobject("winmgmts:")
datax = "<font face=verdana size=2pt color=white>"
datax = datax & "<b>LIST OF RUNNING PROGRAMS:</b><br><br>"
datax = datax & "<table cellspan=0 cellpadding=0 border=1"
datax = datax & " bordercolor=black><tr bgcolor=black><td>"
datax = datax & "<font face=verdana size=2pt color=white>"
datax = datax & "<b>PID</td><td><font face=verdana size=2pt"
datax = datax & " color=white><b>Process Name</td><td><font "
datax = datax & "face=verdana size=2pt color=white><b>Action</td></tr>"
for each Process in objService.InstancesOf("Win32_process")
Return = Process.GetOwner(isi)
datax = datax & "<tr bgcolor=#333333><td><font face=verdana "
datax = datax & "size=2pt color=white><b>"
datax = datax & Process.processid & "</b></td><td><font "
datax = datax & "face=verdana size=2pt color=white>"
datax = datax & process.name & "</td><td bgcolor=black "
datax = datax & "onclick=vbscript:KILL("
datax = datax & process.processid & ")><font face=verdana "
datax = datax & "size=2pt color=#FFCC00><b>KILL"
datax = datax & "</b></td></tr>"
data.innerhtml = datax
end sub
dim objService,Process,colProcess,t,vv
t = msgbox("Are you sure killing PID " & pid & "?",36,"DIY Task Manager")
if t = 7 then exit sub
set objService = getobject("winmgmts:")
vv = "Select * from Win32_Process Where processID = " & PID
Set colProcess = objService.ExecQuery (vv)
For Each Process in colProcess
end sub
</head><body onload="vbscript:list" bgcolor=#666666>
<span id="data"></span>
<table bgcolor=#FFCC00><tr><td onclick=vbscript:list>
<font face=verdana size=2pt><b>REFRESH</b></td></tr></table>
Then save it as DIYTaskManager.hta (can be replaced with another name, as long as it is extended to .hta format)
After that, please run the DIYTaskManager.hta file with a double click.
Then press the KILL button to stop the process.
You can use this file if the Windows Task Manager cannot open due to virus infection or other problems.
Task Manager helps organize and monitor tasks efficiently. Creating your own Task Manager in Notepad offers full personalization and control at no additional cost. You only need Notepad and basic knowledge of VBScript or JScript.
The steps include creating a basic file in Notepad, saving it with the .hta extension, and running it with a double-click. The Task Manager file on Notepad can also be an alternative if the Windows Task Manager is not working due to a virus or other issue.