Taming the Err-Disable Trap: How to Recover Errdisabled-Disabled Ports on Cisco Switches

How to Monitor the Status of an Errdisabled Port by Using the Show Interfaces Err-disabled Status and Show Errdisable Recovery Commands

In addition to addressing and preventing errdisabled ports, we can also monitor the status of errdisabled ports by using the show interfaces status err-disabled command and show errdisable recovery on the switch. These commands will display information about the port that is errdisabled and the errdisable recovery feature that is running on the switch.

How to Monitor the Status of an Err-disabled Port by Using the Show Interfaces Err-disabled Status Command

The show interfaces status err-disabled command is a command that will display a list of ports that are errdisabled and the reason why those ports are disabled. This command can help us find out which ports are problematic and what causes them so that we can take corrective or preventive action. The following is an example output of this command:

Switch# show interfaces status err-disabled
Port      Name               Status       Reason
Gi1/0/1                      err-disabled link-flap
Gi1/0/2                      err-disabled bpduguard
Gi1/0/3                      err-disabled psecure-violation
Gi1/0/4                      err-disabled udld
Gi1/0/5                      err-disabled channel-misconfig

From the output above, we can see that port Gi1/0/1 becomes errdisabled due to link flapping, port Gi1/0/2 becomes errdisabled due to STP violation, port Gi1/0/3 becomes errdisabled due to Port Security violation, port Gi1/0/4 becomes errdisabled due to UDLD violation, and port Gi1/0/5 becomes errdisabled due to EtherChannel misconfiguration.

How to Monitor the Status of an Errdisabled Port by Using the Show Errdisable Recovery Command

The show errdisable recovery command is a command that will display information about the errdisable recovery feature running on the switch. This command can help us find out what error conditions this feature can handle, the wait time before the switch reactivates the errdisabled port, and the recovery status of the errdisabled port. The following is an example output of this command:

Switch# show errdisable recovery
ErrDisable Reason            Timer Status
-----------------            --------------
link-flap                    Enabled
bpduguard                    Enabled
psecure-violation            Enabled
udld                         Enabled
channel-misconfig            Enabled

Timer interval: 300 seconds

Interfaces that will be enabled at the next timeout:

Interface       Errdisable reason      Time left(sec)
---------       -----------------      --------------
Gi1/0/1         link-flap              120
Gi1/0/2         bpduguard              180
Gi1/0/3         psecure-violation      240
Gi1/0/4         udld                   300
Gi1/0/5         channel-misconfig      300

From the output above, we can see that the errdisable recovery feature is enabled for the five most common error conditions, namely link flapping, STP violation, Port Security violation, UDLD violation, and EtherChannel misconfiguration. In addition, we can also see that the wait time before the switch re-enables the errdisabled port is 300 seconds, and the recovery status of the errdisabled port, including the time remaining before the port is reactivated.

Using the above commands, we can monitor the status of the errdisabled port and the errdisable recovery feature running on the switch.


An errdisabled port is a port that has been disabled by the Cisco switch because an error condition is detected. Errdisabled ports can cause serious network interference, especially if they are connected to critical devices such as servers, routers, or end devices. Therefore, it is important to know how to address errdisabled ports and prevent them from happening in the future.

By understanding and applying the concepts we’ve learned, we can better manage errdisabled ports and improve the performance and reliability of our network.

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